📣 Retail & Hospitality Communication

Share information, news and announcements with your field team and sites. Targeted distribution by user, role, or site tag. Read receipts and follow-up 🗓️ tasks.

Inform sites
Share news
Communication | Bindy
Collaborate - Bindy

Dynamic feed

Share announcements and information about new policies and upcoming programs. Pick the distribution list and know who has read it.
Communicate - Bindy


Actionable content allows you to tie communication with execution, in one pass. Communicate and make sure it gets done!
Interact securely - Bindy

Interact securely

Built-in field hierarchy and customizable security settings mean you can communicate but never accidently overshare.

Proven results

Improve communication across your organization to improve store execution.
“Prior to using Bindy, we lacked follow-up from our store visits with our teams. By using Bindy, we now have feedback loops built in.”
Snr. Manager
Store Operations & Customer Service

“88% of customers say Bindy improves store communication and execution.”
PCRK Group
“Bindy helps us ensure that none of our fundamental business processes stop, and that our field leaders have structured, well-documented unit visits.”
Chief Operating Officer
PCRK Group

Brand standards

At every site, every time